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Function Movement Therapy


The relationship you have with your body is massive. 
Your movement is fundamental to that relationship. It can influence your resistance to injury and your ability to make a comeback. It can affect your efficiency, and your ability to access your full physical potential. 

Creating change in movement requires an understanding of interactions of the brain, body, the impact of our environment and stress on our nervous system. Movement concerns could be a loss of movement availability due to an injury, surgery or chronic pain, lack of ease in a daily function such as bending down, or difficulty doing a certain task. 

Functional movement therapy has a simple mission: to enable people of all backgrounds, ages and levels of physical ability to learn the art of working WITH their body rather than against it, to have confidence in their bodies, and to reclaim and enjoy the activities that matter most to them.

The human body is wonderfully designed for movement but things happen in life which can set you back, hold you up, affect your confidence and shake your sense of control. Sometimes in your efforts to solve the problem, you unknowingly work against your body and start to get in your own way. Jane understands that and wants to put the control back in your hands.

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